Hojda and Nuna Stojka are honorary members of the Ceija Stojka International Found. Hojda is the first son of Ceija Stojka, out of her three children. As music always holds an important role for the family, on his mother's request, Hojda, himself a guitarist, founded the band Amenza Ketane. Nuna traveled with her mother-in-law for 22 years throughout the world. She has been the voice of texts and poems at public readings. Hojda and Nuna Stojka are actively involved in the mediation against forgetting and in transmitting History through Ceija Stojka's art. The family lives in Vienna.
Simona and Pablo are grandchildren of Ceija Stojka and the children of Silvia, the only daughter of Ceija Stojka. Simona has been actively involved in actions against forgetting and in the Roma community in Austria for several years.
Pablo is the last grandson and Ceija's "darling". She composed lullabies for him, that is how he got his name "Aschta" - meaning "Wait A Little". Their relationship had something special, despite or exactly because of his disability. They often painted, cooked and made salt dough figures.
Sister and brother live together in Vienna, together they participate actively in actions within their community and in public.
The Fund members are Austrian, German and French. Around Hojda and Nuna Stojka, son and daughter-in-law of Ceija Stojka, the Fund brings together personalities from the world of art and culture including filmmakers, journalists, exhibition curators, directors, photographers, and academics.
Karin Berger is a documentary filmmaker, author and researcher. She has been working with Ceija Stojka for nearly thirty years, she is the publisher of her biographical books Wir leben im Verborgenen and Träume ich, dass ich lebe? and director of the two films Ceija Stojka and Unter den Brettern hellgrünes Gras (The Green Green Grass Beneath). Her extensive knowledge about the life of Ceija Stojka as well as the creation of her oeuvre form a base for the work of the fund. Karin Berger lives in Vienna, Austria.
Carina Kurta, Director, Ceija Stojka International Association, Born in Austria, she lives in Marseille (FR) and helps to organize exhibits and programming. Kurta has been accompanying the Stojka’s family since 2015 and serves as a link between researchers, curators, scholars, artists, galleries, museums, the family, and the association. She helped facilitate the exhibitions in Paris, Madrid, Nijmegen, and Malmö; co-curated the exhibit at the Austrian Cultural Forum New York; and is working on the exhibits at the Wende Museum in Los Angeles and in the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl in 2024. Kurta has been preserving Stojka's notebook; supported by the Zukunftsfond Österreich and the Antoine de Galbert Foundation from 2018 - 2020, she produced a digital archive with over 6,000 HD scanned pages and an index for study, use in exhibitions and publications. From 2023-2024 she is collaborating with Lorely French and Nuna Stojka on a project on the notebooks with the support of the National Endowment for Humanities.
Lorely French, Professor of German, Pacific University, first met Ceija Stojka in Vienna in 2003. During their ten-year friendship, Lorely co-curated with Michaela Grobbel at Sonoma State University, California in 2009 the first traveling monograph exhibit of Stojka’s artworks in the United States. Lorely is Distinguished Professor of German at Pacific University in Oregon, U.S. She authored several publications on Ceija Stojka and contributed to the digital archive RomArchive. She is author of the book Roma Voices in the German-Speaking World, New York/London, Bloomsbury, 2015 (hardback; paperback appeared in 2016), which includes sections on Ceija Stojka, and several peer-reviewed articles specifically on Ceija Stojka. French’s annotated English translation of Ceija Stojka’s memoirs and interview with Karin Berger, entitled The Memoirs of Ceija Stojka: Child Survivor of the Romani Holocaust, appeared with Camden House/Boydell and Brewer in 2022. She co-curated, with Dr. Stephanie Buhmann and Carina Kurta, the exhibit “What Should I Be Afraid Of?: Roma Artists Ceija Stojka” at the Austrian Cultural Forum New York from May 23 through Sept. 25, 2023 and „Ceija Stojka: Hope that was what strengthened us“ in the European Capital of Culture 2024. French is a member of the board of the Ceija Stojka International Association. In 2023 and 2024 she is the managing part for the NEH scholarship with Carina Kurta and Nuna Stojka on the notebooks of Ceija Stojka.
Christophe Gaillard gallery, established in Paris in 2007, represents Ceija Stojka's work. Nathalie Gaillard is involved in exhibitions at the gallery as well as at international fairs and contributes to the establishment of a catalogue raisonné to match Ceija Stojka's wish to transmit to future generations the atrocity of the camps. They also allow transmission of the strength and emotion of this story, as well as the great originality and plastic quality of Ceija Stojka's art.
To photograph art works involves detailed observation and creates an intimate bond with their creator. Célia has been working in the image field for 15 years as a photographer, picture editor, and cultural projects coordinator. She photographed Ceija Stojka's art works in Paris and in Vienna for La maison rouge. As a member of the Ceija Stojka International Fund, her skills and experience in communication and project development contribute to the vibrancy of this work.
Free-lance curator, author and editor, living in Berlin, Matthias contributes to reviews of art, film and literature for various magazines and papers as well as essays in art publications. Among other editorial works, he co-edited with Lith Bahlmann: Ceija Stojka (1933 – 2013) Even Death is Terrified of Auschwitz (2014) and Reconsidering Roma – Aspects of Roma and Sinti Life in Contemporary Art, (2011).
Head of exhibitions at La maison rouge – Fondation Antoine de Galbert (Paris) from 2002 to 2018, Noëlig Le Roux is now working as a free-lance curator. He is co-curating with Paula Aisemberg and Xavier Marchand several European exhibitions of Ceija Stojka's art. Sharing the ambition of the Fund to show the radiancy of this art, he works on the creation of the catalogue raisonné of Ceija Stojka's paintings, drawings and writings, and on the design of new exhibitions of this corpus.
Director and artistic director of the theater company Lanicolacheur. Xavier Marchand, as part of his work on Roma culture, commissioned the French translation of Ceija Stojka's latest book Traüme ich, dass ich lebe? Befreit aus Bergen-Belsen which resulted in public readings. He initiated the two first monographic exhibitions in France, "Ceija Stojka, a Roma artist in the century", co-curated with Antoine de Galbert at La Friche Belle de Mai (Marseille, FR, 2017), and at La maison Rouge (Paris, FR, 2018). He continues to co-curate Ceija Stojka exhibitions throughout Europe.